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Understanding the Symptoms of Mesothelioma Mesothelioma is a very serious type of tumor that usually affects the torso of the human body. According to many researchers, there exists a very strong link between the mesothelioma tumor and coming in contact with asbestos particles, either through swallowing or breathing. Mesothelioma tumor commonly exists in three forms. Pleural mesothelioma is the most common type and it is said to originate from the chest cavity of the human being. It’s believed to occur as a result of breathing in asbestos particles. Another common form of mesothelioma is the peritoneal mesothelioma whose origin is in the abdomen as a result of swallowing asbestos and it accounts for approximately 10-20% of asbestos patients. The third and rarely occurring form of mesothelioma is referred to as pericardial mesothelioma. It normally originates in the cavity that surrounds the heart before eventually spreading to other parts. It is very rare but still deadly.
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The most disturbing thing about mesothelioma is that it is very difficult to diagnose early because most of the symptoms of this disease are normally confused with those of other common less dangerous diseases. Worse, the first symptoms of the disease normally appear years after the body has been infected. The disease occurs mostly to individuals who have been exposed to asbestos for a very long time.
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It is not be assumed that only exposure to very high asbestos content will cause Mesothelioma since even the slightest asbestos is likely to cause harm. With mesothelioma having a latency of about 40 years, many individuals who were exposed long ago are now showing the signs. This means that the average age of mesothelioma patients is 50-70 years. Since most of the asbestos is normally found in industrial settings, men are likely to be affected more than women. Malignant mesothelioma is available in three forms namely; sarcomatoid, epithelial, and mixed. Of these, epithelial mesothelioma is the most common and it’s characterized by a cough that lasts long, pneumonia, and respiratory distress. While most of the patients do not show symptoms till late, symptoms in those who show are normally confused to be those of medical conditions that are less serious. As a life-threatening disease, mesothelioma needs to be given medical attention as fast as possible. The sooner a patient gets treated from it, the more likely they’ll be able to fight off this cancer. If your loved one or any person close to you is diagnosed with such a deadly disease, it is commendable that you see the services of a qualified medical practitioner to help you.