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Mesothelioma: What is it? Mesothelioma is diagnosed when there is cancer found in the mesothelium; the mesothelium is the defensive covering that envelops most of the body’s major organs. Two separate layers make up the mesothelium; one layer envelops the organs, and the second creates the sac around the first layer. The mesothelium takes on a different name for each organ that it covers. The mesothelial tissue that covers the chest cavity and the lungs is called the pleura. The peritoneum describes the mesothelial tissue found around the majority of the organs in the abdominal cavity, and the tissue around the heart is the pericardium. A fluid is released by the mesothelium that lets the enveloped organs move around without trouble. This liquid lets the lungs expand to breathe and the heart palpitate freely without harmful friction. Like other cancers, mesothelioma forms when atypical cells divide and spread. Mesothelioma allows for the overproduction of the lubricating liquid described earlier. The extra fluid encapsulates the organs, forming a rind type of layer of tumor tissue. In even more severe cases of mesothelioma, the cells grow and spread to other organs.
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The highest percentage of cases of mesothelioma are those with cancer in the tissue surrounding the lungs. The cancer can also show up in the tissue surrounding the heart (pericardial mesothelioma) or the tissue around the abdominal cavity (peritoneal mesothelioma).
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The cancer is hard to diagnose due to the fact that its symptoms are similar to many other illnesses. There are research initiatives searching for treatments of mesothelioma, as the current options have not reached the desired effectiveness. The breathing in or consuming of asbestos fibers causes mesothelioma. Asbestosis or pleural plaques are caused by the coarse fibers scarring the mesothelial tissue. The scarring from the fibers is also what leads to mesothelioma. After exposure to asbestos, the symptoms of mesothelioma can often take 20 to 30 years to show themselves. This is known as a latency period. Due to this latency period, the cancer is known to affect those who worked with asbestos 20 to 50 years ago. Often times, no protection was used by workers who were being exposed to these fibers. Many of the employers knew about the asbestos and the inevitable health effects that it would present to many of their workers. Tradesmen were particularly vulnerable and are among the likeliest to be exposed to asbestos regularly, including: bricklayers, pipe fitters, electricians, insulators, ship builders and workers, etc. The asbestos fibers latch on to hair, clothes, and skin; this means that workers could have brought them home, placing their families at risk as well. When detected early and treated aggressively, the survival rates and life expectancy are much higher than advanced mesothelioma. Remember that any information or statistics on survival rates should only be used as a general reference, not as an individual diagnosis. Patients should have consultations with their doctors about any specific information about their case. Sadly, millions have encountered exposure to asbestos over the years. Contact with asbestos in the workplace is just starting to show us its devastating effects on those exposed. It is necessary to get diagnosed as fast as possible to be able to fight mesothelioma. If you think it is possible that you were exposed to asbestos, I urge you to go see your doctor.