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Curing Dry Eyes with Eye Droppers Do you happen to be experiencing dry eyes, gritty eyes, or an irritation in your eyes? And if that is the case then you actually have a condition that is called dry eye syndrome and this is something that affects a wide array of different kinds of people out there from every age. It is important to know that this type of syndrome can occur anywhere in the world but it happens most commonly in areas that happen to be either very windy, dust, or dry. When you have dry eyes that means that your lacrimal system is not working the way it should be and this system is responsible for making the tears in your eyes. There is plenty of causes for this but one of the more common causes is that your meibomian glands are not producing enough lipid layers for your tear film which means you will not have the ability to create enough tears. So if the reason why you have dry eye is because of your lacrimal gland then this will mean a wide array of different kinds of things such as the fact that you may need to be using an eye dropper now.
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The first thing that you will have to keep into mind of when it comes down to dry eye syndrome is the fact that you may actually have sjogren’s syndrome which means your antibodies are actually attacking the lacrimal gland and this will reduce the effectiveness of this glad which means you will not produce enough tears.
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Menopause can cause dry eyes so if you happen to be forty five or older then this maybe the reason why you are experiencing the symptoms of having dry eyes. The reason why menopause is able to cause dry eyes is because it reduces your body’s ability to circulate things such androgen levels which makes it more difficult for your body to produce enough tears for your eyes thus resulting in dry eye syndrome. Different kinds of medicines like anti depressants, anti cholinergic medicines, allergy medicines, drugs for anti psychotic issues, beta blockers, and also benzodiazepines can make it more difficult for your eyes to produce the right amount of tears possible which means you will need to be using eye droppers to help with your dry eyes. Also it is important to know that another cause for dry eyes is that they are evaporating too quickly for your eyes which means there is no more tears already and to help replace the tears you will need to rely on an eye dropper. It is important to know that this kind of dry eyes can be caused by issues like posterior and anterior blepharitis, meibomian gland dysfunction, and also acne rosacea as well.