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Facts About Hearing Loss There are three basic types of hearing loss mainly the sensorineural, conductive, and mixed. When it comes to the conductive hearing loss, the problem with this is that the middle ear is not able to receive the sound that’s supposed to travel to it. While inner ear and cranial nerve does play a role in sensorineural hearing loss, this type is mostly about one’s brain and if their central processing systems has been damaged or had already deteriorated. Mixed hearing losses contains the symptoms and problems for both sensorineural and the conductive symptoms or problems. If one gets hearing impairment at a young age, it’s mostly the sensorineural type. This type of hearing loss can be caused by the genes or some factor that occurred during or after one’s birth. If it has occurred during or after birth, then certain things like head trauma or jaundice could have caused the hearing loss in the first place. It’s also possible that premature infants will have the sensorineural hearing loss due to the fact that the central processing systems of their brain might not be fully developed. When it comes to the conductive hearing impairment, it’s usually common with the coming of age. For this kind of hearing loss, foreign objects such as marble or beads can certainly prevent one from being able to hear properly as long as such objects are inside their ear. Also, if one does not take care of their ear properly and have it infected from time to time, there’s a good chance that they’ll be near deaf in the future. If you’re having such problems and is resulting in your conductive hearing loss, then be sure to have it treated medically before it’s too late.
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Still, the sensorineural hearing loss occurs for older people too especially since getting old means your body parts and brain function will deteriorate eventually. There are also external factors that you have to worry about when it comes to hearing loss. For instance, it is likely that you will be able to experience hearing loss when you are exposed to loud sounds every time. Your inner ear’s nerve endings will basically die if you’re always exposed to loud noises and sounds. There are a lot of nerve endings in one’s inner ear, but loud noises kills a lot of it too.
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Hearing loss can also be caused by high frequency sounds. However, if you have a sensorineural hearing loss, it will still progress even without the external influence. Also, you should know that once you have been diagnosed with this kind of hearing impairment, it means that it won’t be possible to reverse it.