Time To See A Neurologist
A severe headache, dizziness or nausea might be signs that you have the flu or that you have another illness that will go away with medication. However, these are also signs that you might need to see a neurologist who can determine if there are other issues taking place in the head, spine or neck regions. It’s important to seek treatment as soon as possible if any abnormal signs are present as some issues can lead to a stroke, paralysis or other long-term impacts on the body.
Twitching in the muscles is a sign that the motor neurons aren’t functioning as they should. It’s common for some of the muscles in the body to twitch on occasion, such as a finger or a muscle that has been overworked during the day. When those twitches are on a regular basis and when the area impacted is widespread, you want to seek the assistance of a neurologist. Most of the time, it’s usually just a syndrome that causes the muscles to spasm with no serious health risks.
A loss of vision can signify many things in the body. Cataracts could be at the beginning stages of development, or you might simply be having difficulties seeing because you’re getting older. Vision loss in conjunction with headaches is something that needs to be examined as there could be an issue with the brain and pressure that is building on certain points. Vision loss can occur because of hypertension or even because of a tumor. If there is a tumor present, then a doctor could refer you to a neurosurgeon in Palm Beach for further treatment. A drooping eye could also be a sign that there is an aneurysm or a tumor.
If there are issues with spinal cord compression, then you might experience a loss of bowel and bladder control. At times, this could simply be caused by aging, but if it’s a sudden onset that occurs on a frequent basis, then it’s likely caused by an issue with the spine. Leg stiffness and weakness are also signs that can be attributed to issues with the spine.