
How to Get Your Children to Take Care of Their Teeth

Parents know how important it is for their kids to practice good dental habits and take good care of their teeth. However, sometimes this is more easily said than done, especially since kids can be resistant to toothbrushing. Luckily, you don’t have to just give up and hope for the best. Other parents and experts have found ways to encourage kids to brush regularly and help keep their smile looking great. Here are a few tips to help you get started.

Get to Know Your Dentist

The frontline for teaching your kids the importance of taking care of their teeth is at the dentist’s office. Here, a professional can explain to your child how crucial it is that they brush and floss regularly. You should go to the dentist at least once a year, although twice yearly is preferred, especially if your child has had any cavities. Choose a dentist that’s known to be child-friendly, responsible, and reliable. For example, if you’re looking for an Algonquin dental clinic that you can trust, find a group like Dentist IL. Let your child get to know his or her dentist, which will build trust and a good clinical relationship.

Have Your Kids Pick Their Own Toothbrush

Child psychologists agree that one of the easiest ways to get kids involved in their own care is by giving them choices. This helps to foster autonomy and prevents power struggles with your little one. When it comes to brushing, let your kids pick of their own special toothbrush. This way, when it’s time to brush, they can feel a sense of ownership. They may even look forward to brushing with their own special toothbrush.

Use a Child-Friendly Toothpaste

Don’t just settle for the usual minty toothpaste. These adult kinds of toothpaste often have a very strong minty taste, which most children find unpleasant or overwhelming. Instead, look for a toothpaste with a child-friendly flavor. You can find a toothpaste that’s flavored cherry, grape, or even bubblegum, all made with dentist-recommended ingredients like fluoride.

Make Brushing Fun

Pass the time while brushing by signing a funny song about teeth with your child. Or, make a chart that records their brushing habits and let your child place a sticker on it each time they brush. The goal is to make good dental hygiene fun for all.