Health Care & Medical

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Some of the Common Problems that Affects Seniors

If you are living with your old parent or even the grandparents, it would be wise to take time to understand some of the things that may be a risk to them. You would need to have a website that keeps you as informed as possible. You would need to get a website that gives you leads on the best way of best-taking care of the senior. You would need to have a website where you can always find information. You may need to know that seniors can live for quite a long time especially where they quit smoking, lose weight, exercise and eat healthily. this blog would be of much help to people living with seniors or directly or indirectly interact with the seniors.

Arthritis happens to be one of the health risk factors that highly shortens the lifespan of the old. Seniors over 65 years of age tend to be more prone to succumbing to arthritis. One would also need to note that arthritis is an illness that is causes so much pain to the old and also reduces their quality of life. this blog also highlights heart disease as one of the illnesses seniors tend to be prone to especially after hitting the 65th mark. According to statistics, about 26 percent of women and 37 percent of men tend to be suffering from heart diseases especially those above 65 years of age. Older people tend to be prone to heart health risks like high cholesterol, high blood pressure, high risk of developing stroke among other illnesses. It would therefore be essential to focus on ensuring enough night rest for the seniors in question.

People over 65 years of age also tend to be prone to cancer. It would be essential for one to take necessary measures to have the senior checked bearing in mind that people above 65 years of age are prone to suffering from cancer. In a case where cancer is detected early enough, it can easily be treated. One way of having a senior live longer is by ensuring that cancer is diagnosed in its initial stages and treated before it is too late.

Seniors are more prone to illnesses such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among people above 65 years of age. One would also need to see here for more information on other illnesses such as depression, falls, shingles, oral health, obesity, pneumonia, influenza, diabetes, osteoporosis, Alzheimer’s disease as well as substance abuse.