Health Care & Medical

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The Relation Between Stress and Health. At some points in your life, you have experienced stress. Trauma is as a result of brain reaction or response to various situations. There are many different situations that lead to anxiety. They cause varied reaction of the brain hence one can have positive or negative effects. You will find the brain at times fighting the challenge to give you success out of it. Thus, the person fights against the risk posed and succeeds in the action. The brain at times will fail to fight the issue and lead to trauma in one’s mind. When your property or belongings are at a risk of loss, stress comes automatically. Most persons who suffer from stress are women, the youth as well as the ones with low income levels. Stress leads to a lot of health issues that you should run away from by avoiding stress. Trauma or anxiety will in most cases not cause a disease. It is however, known by doctors to influence the genes and body conditions in ways that speed up diseases. Trauma and anxiety will first of all be a threat to your heart health. When most people are stressed, knowingly or unknowingly, they result into drinking, smoking or comfort-eating. These factors can contribute to poor health of the heart by causing either obesity or blood pressure.
On Wellness: My Thoughts Explained
brain unrest caused by work problems lead to development of heart attack in a person. When stress causes anxiety or intense anger to a person the risk of heart attack arising multiplies to nine more times.
Getting To The Point – Health
Over the years, stress is associated, with the risk of diabetes. When one is stressed up, production of the hormone cortisol is increased. The excess hormones produced will lead to increased levels of glucose, explaining how brain unrest is associated with diabetes. When it comes to women, those suffering from the post-traumatic stress disorder are at a higher risk of contracting diabetes. There are people who already have diabetes and are more affected by stress. It becomes more difficult for diabetes patients with stress to handle their condition. The patients will be less likely to care for themselves when they are in stressful conditions. Most of them will not do exercises and may likely get into drinking to evade stress. With the stress, the patients will have less concern to check the level of glucose or feed properly as expected. Thus, it will be hard for diabetic people to properly handle their conditions when stressed. Apart from heart attack and diabetes, there are common impacts of stress on the well-being of individuals.