Brain Injury

Brain Injury

Traumatic Brain Injury: The Stats You Don’t Know

Living with a traumatic brain injury, whether the trauma occurred because of a car accident, a fall, unsafe working conditions, or otherwise, can be an isolating experience. While plenty of TBI sufferers need support and help caring for themselves from family or professional caregivers, the recovery often feels lonely and insurmountable. During National Brain Injury Awareness Month, the Brain Injury Association of America is focused on promoting their latest campaign – Not Alone – which provides a platform to educate people about brain injuries and de-stigmatize the injury. It’s also important for everyone to understand the severity and reach of

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Brain Injury

Why a Traumatic Brain Injury Can Cause a Marriage to Collapse

“I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health.” Millions of couples repeat these words to each other on their wedding day, but when one half of a couple suffers a traumatic brain injury, these vows are severely tested. In the worst cases, a TBI is life-changing, and many couples find themselves forced to adapt to a new normal – and, in many situations, their marriage does not survive. Life in a Marriage After a TBI Severe TBIs can be not only physically but mentally incapacitating. A TBI can lead to

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