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How Can Drug Addicts be Treated? When an individual is not able to stop using drugs, then we say he is addicted to it. You might start by having a few puffs and that’s all. An individual takes small amounts of drugs occasionally until it becomes a habit and the desire cannot be satisfied. There will be drug addicts but some will not have the same condition. Although not every individual taking drugs becomes a drug addict, there will always be serious drug related problems. Drug addiction treatment cannot be done using just one approach. There are many different approaches and these approaches also affect victims in different ways. For a treatment to be effective, it will not just deal with the victim’s drug abuse problems but his other needs as well. A most widely used method of drug addiction treatment is medication. This medication method treats drug addiction and it also helps a person in the process of withdrawal. The person is first detoxified in the medication treatment. When the body is being detoxified, the symptoms of withdrawal are also being suppressed. After detoxifying the body, further medication is given for the purpose of reinstating normal brain condition. Restoring the brain condition to normal means that the body will no longer crave for the drug. Every type of drug taken in by the victim will have different medication dosage because its effects of the body is different from the effects of other drugs. If a person has taken several types of drugs, then he should take medication for every drug that he has been addicted to.
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When the withdrawal stage is done, the medication should be continued. There will be no effect if you stop taking medication after treating withdrawal symptoms. The symptoms will come all over again if you leave without treating the main addiction problem.
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Aside from medication, drug addicts can also be treated using the behavioral treatment method. The victim’s attitude towards drug use is being dealt in this method. With encouragement, victims are shown how to live a healthy lifestyle in this type of treatment. To administer this treatment a victim is either given outpatient treatment or residential treatment. In outpatient treatment, the addict enrolls in a program and visits the clinic for drug counseling. Behavioral change is the main purpose of this treatment which is done through many programs that the victim undergoes. In residential treatment, the victim is kept is a residence where he is given special attention. Behavioral therapy and other treatments are given to the victim while in the facility. For drug addict detainees, criminal justice applies another type of drug addiction treatment. Preventing the victim to go back to their criminal behavior is the aim of the treatment. To have better results, some of these treatments can be combined. Combining medication with behavioral treatment is said to be the best combination that bring complete relief from drug abuse and addiction.